Luminedge Legal

189 vs 190 vs 191 vs 491 (Choosing the Right Skilled Migration Visa For Your Future)

Australia offers a range of skilled migration visas, each designed to suit different circumstances and aspirations. Understanding the differences and weighing the pros and cons is crucial for making an informed decision about your future in Australia. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore four significant skilled migration visas: Subclass 189, Subclass 190, Subclass 191, and Subclass 491.

Table of Contents

Summary Table of 189, 190, 191 and 491 Visa


Subclass 189

Subclass 190

Subclass 191

Subclass 491



Specific State or Territory

Prior Regional Provisional Visa (491 or 494)

Regional Work or Family Sponsorship



State or Territory


State or Territory

Path to Permanent Residency




Yes, after 3 years

Work and Study Locations

Anywhere in Australia

Specific State or Territory

Designated Regional Areas

Designated Regional Areas






Age Limit

44 or under

44 or under

No Age Limit

45 or under

Health and Character Checks






From AUD 4,640

From AUD 4,640

AUD475.00 (Regional provisional stream) 

AUD4,640.00 (Hong Kong stream)

AUD 4,640

Skills Assessment Test



Not specified


English Proficiency





Family Inclusion





Which Visa Is Easier to Obtain Between 189,190,191 and 491 Visa and Offers More Opportunities?

The ease of obtaining a visa and the opportunities it offers can vary depending on individual circumstances. Here’s a breakdown:


  • Subclass 189 Visa: This visa is independent and doesn’t require sponsorship or nomination. If you meet the eligibility criteria, score well on the points test, and pass health and character checks, it can be relatively straightforward to obtain. It offers the flexibility to live and work anywhere in Australia.


  • Subclass 190 Visa: This visa requires nomination by a specific Australian state or territory, which adds an extra step to the process. However, if you’re eligible and nominated, it can be an excellent choice for those who want to settle in a particular region. It provides opportunities to live and work in that specific area.


  • Subclass 191 Visa: To be eligible for this visa, you must have held a regional provisional visa (491 or 494) for at least three years and met certain income and compliance conditions. While it has specific requirements, it offers a direct path to permanent residency for those with a history of living and working in designated regional areas. It can be a good option for those who meet these criteria.


  • Subclass 491 Visa: The Subclass 491 visa is designed for those willing to live, work, and study in designated regional areas. It requires either nomination by a state or territory government agency or sponsorship by an eligible family member residing in a designated regional area. While it has stringent conditions, including age limits and work/study location restrictions, it offers a pathway to permanent residency after three years.


In summary, the choice of the “easiest” visa and the one that offers more opportunities depends on your qualifications, desired location, and willingness to meet specific requirements. The Subclass 189 visa may be considered easier to obtain due to its independence, but the right choice should align with your long-term goals and circumstances. Consulting with a migration expert can provide valuable insights and help you make an informed decision.

Processing Time Differences Between the 189, 190, 191, and 491 Skilled Migration Visas

Visa Subclass

Processing Time (75%)

Processing Time (90%)

Subclass 189

6 months

10 months

Subclass 190

4 – 6 months


Subclass 191

2 – 5 months


Subclass 491

10 – 20 months


One of the essential factors to consider when planning your Australian immigration journey is the processing time for your chosen visa subclass. Different skilled migration visas come with varying processing times, which can significantly impact your relocation plans. Below, we break down the processing time differences between the Subclass 189, Subclass 190, Subclass 191, and Subclass 491 visas to help you make an informed decision.


189 Visa Processing Time

The Subclass 189 visa, known as the Skilled Independent visa, is a popular choice for skilled workers looking to make Australia their permanent home. On average, 75% of Subclass 189 visa applications are processed within 6 months, while 90% receive their visas within 10 months. This relatively shorter processing time makes it an attractive option for those seeking a quicker path to Australian residency.


190 Visa Processing Time

The Subclass 190 visa, or the Skilled Nominated visa, involves state or territory government nomination, which can impact processing times. However, in the absence of special circumstances, applicants can generally expect a processing time of approximately 4 to 6 months. It offers a balance between the speed of the Subclass 189 visa and the state-sponsored benefits of the Subclass 491 visa.


191 Visa Processing Time

The Subclass 191 visa, a Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional) visa, boasts one of the shortest processing times among skilled migration visas. Applicants can typically anticipate a processing period of about 2 to 5 months. This makes it an attractive choice for those who have already lived, worked, and studied in designated regional areas on a previous eligible visa.


491 Visa Processing Time

The Subclass 491 visa, known as the Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa, has a more extended processing time compared to the other subclasses. In the absence of any special circumstances, applicants should prepare for a processing period ranging from 10 to 20 months. While this might be a longer wait, it offers the opportunity to live, work, and study in designated regional areas before applying for permanent residency.


In a nutshell, the choice of visa subclass should consider not only your eligibility and preferences but also the processing time that aligns with your timeline and plans. The Subclass 189 and Subclass 191 visas offer relatively shorter processing times, making them suitable for those seeking quicker results. On the other hand, the Subclass 190 and Subclass 491 visas may take a bit longer, but they come with unique benefits, such as state nomination and regional opportunities.


Understanding these processing time differences is crucial for making an informed decision and ensuring a smoother transition to your new life in Australia.

189 vs 190 vs 191 vs 491 Skilled Migration Visas Comparisons

Overview Of Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189)

For those seeking independence in their Australian journey:

The Skilled Independent Visa, Subclass 189, is ideal for individuals with specific skills who wish to live and work in Australia independently. This visa doesn’t require sponsorship by an employer, family member, or state or territory government.


  • Relevant occupation on the 189 occupation list (MLTSSL).
  • Suitable skills assessment.
  • Points test pass mark of 65 points.
  • Age between 18 and 44.
  • Competent English.
  • Positive health and character assessments.

Application Process:

  • Submission of Expression of Interest (EOI) via SkillSelect.
  • Ranking against other intending migrants.
  • Invitation to apply for the visa.
  • 60 calendar days to apply if invited.

What You Can Do:

  • Stay in Australia indefinitely.
  • Work and study.
  • Enroll in Medicare.
  • Sponsor eligible relatives.
  • Travel to and from Australia for five years.
  • Apply for Australian citizenship if eligible.

Cost: From AUD 4,640

Key Points:

  • Permanent residency.
  • Ideal for those not sponsored or nominated.
  • No need for state or territory nomination.
  • Can apply in or outside Australia.
  • Health and character checks are required.

Overview Of Skilled Nominated Visa (Subclass 190)

For those aiming to settle in a specific Australian state or territory:


The Skilled Nominated Visa, Subclass 190, is tailored for individuals who wish to live and work in Australia and have a desire to settle in a specific state or territory.




  • Relevant occupation on the 190 visa occupation list.
  • Suitable skills assessment.
  • Points test pass mark of 65 points.
  • Nomination by a state or territory government agency.
  • Age between 18 and 44.
  • Competent English.
  • Positive health and character assessments.


Application Process:


  • Submission of EOI via SkillSelect.
  • State or territory government nomination.
  • Invitation to apply for the visa.
  • 60 calendar days to apply if invited.


What You Can Do:


  • Stay in Australia indefinitely.
  • Work and study.
  • Enroll in Medicare.
  • Sponsor eligible relatives.
  • Travel to and from Australia for five years.
  • Apply for Australian citizenship if eligible.


Cost: From AUD 4,640


Key Points:


  • Permanent residency.
  • Requires state or territory government nomination.
  • Ideal for those wanting to settle in a specific region.
  • Can apply in or outside Australia.
  • Health and character checks are required.

Overview Of Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional) Visa (Subclass 191)

For those with a history of living and working in designated regional areas:


The Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional) Visa, Subclass 191, is designed for individuals who have lived and worked in designated regional areas of Australia on a previous, eligible visa.




  • Hold a regional provisional visa subclass 491 or 494 for at least three years.
  • Earn the minimum income for at least three years.
  • Comply with the conditions of the regional provisional visa.




  • Permanent residency.
  • Work and study anywhere in Australia.
  • Sponsor eligible relatives.
  • Apply for Australian citizenship if eligible.


Key Points:


  • Requires prior regional provisional visa (491 or 494).
  • Permanent residence in designated regional areas.
  • Stringent conditions on work and study locations.

Overview Of Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 491)

For those aiming to live, work, and study in designated regional areas:


The Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa, Subclass 491, offers skilled workers and their families the opportunity to live, work, and study in designated regional areas of Australia for five years, with a pathway to Permanent Residence after three years.




  • Nominated by an Australian state or territory government agency or sponsored by an eligible family member in a designated regional area.
  • Points tested.
  • Age limit of 45.
  • Suitable skills assessment.
  • Competent English.




  • Live, work, and study in designated regional areas for 5 years.
  • Eligible for Permanent Residence visa after three years.
  • Can move between regional areas.
  • Priority processing for regional applications.


Key Points:


  • Points-based, with an age limit.
  • Requires nomination or family sponsorship.
  • Focuses on regional development.
  • Stringent conditions on work and study locations.
  • Australia’s skilled migration visas offer diverse opportunities for individuals and families. 
  • Understanding their nuances can be the key to a successful migration journey. Seek professional advice to navigate this process smoothly, and consider Luminedge Legal for a personalized eligibility assessment.


In short, the choice of a skilled migration visa depends on your occupation, desired location, and long-term plans. Each visa has its unique advantages and conditions, so choose wisely to make Australia your new home.

How Luminedge Legal Helps You Choose the Right Visa between 189, 190, 191, and 491 Skilled Migration Visas

Navigating the complexities of Australian skilled migration visas can be a daunting task. With various options available, including Subclass 189, Subclass 190, Subclass 191, and Subclass 491, making the right choice is crucial to your immigration journey. Luminedge Legal is here to simplify the process and assist you in selecting the visa that best aligns with your goals and qualifications.

Tailored Guidance

Our team of experienced migration experts understands that each applicant has unique circumstances. We begin by conducting a comprehensive assessment of your skills, qualifications, work experience, and personal preferences. This assessment forms the foundation for recommending the most suitable visa subclass for you.


In-Depth Knowledge

Luminedge Legal stays up-to-date with the latest changes in Australian immigration laws and regulations. We have a deep understanding of the eligibility criteria, points system, and specific requirements for each visa subclass. This knowledge allows us to provide accurate and reliable advice.


Personalized Solutions

Choosing the right visa isn’t just about meeting the basic requirements; it’s also about ensuring that your immigration pathway aligns with your long-term goals. Whether you prioritize permanent residency, family inclusion, or regional work opportunities, we tailor our recommendations to your aspirations.


Documentation Support

The visa application process involves extensive documentation, from skills assessments to English language proficiency tests. Luminedge Legal assists you in preparing and organizing all required documents, minimizing the chances of errors or omissions that could lead to delays or refusals.


Streamlined Application Process

We guide you through each step of the visa application process, making it as smooth and stress-free as possible. From submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) to receiving an invitation and lodging your visa application, our experts ensure that you’re well-prepared at every stage.


Maximizing Your Points

Points plays a crucial role in the skilled migration process. Luminedge Legal helps you identify opportunities to maximize your points, increasing your chances of receiving an invitation to apply for your desired visa subclass.


Compliance Assurance

Our commitment to your success extends beyond visa approval. We provide guidance on meeting visa conditions, including regional work requirements and post-arrival obligations, to ensure your ongoing compliance with Australian immigration laws.


Your Path to a Brighter Future

At Luminedge Legal, we believe that your journey to Australia should be one of promise and opportunity. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and support needed to make informed decisions and select the visa subclass that aligns with your aspirations for a brighter future down under.

Get started on your Australian migration journey with Luminedge Legal. Contact us today for a personalized consultation and take the first step towards achieving your Australian dream.

Immigration Lawyer's Team of Luminedge Legal


In conclusion, the choice between Subclass 189, 190, 191, or 491 Skilled Migration Visas is a significant decision that should align with your unique circumstances, goals, and priorities. Each visa category offers distinct advantages and comes with its set of requirements and limitations.


Ultimately, the best choice depends on your qualifications, goals, and circumstances. Seeking professional guidance from migration experts can help you navigate the complexities of these visa subclasses and make an informed decision that aligns with your aspirations for a successful life in Australia. Remember, each pathway comes with its unique advantages and challenges, so take the time to assess your options carefully before embarking on your Australian migration journey.


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What is the minimum salary requirement for the 190 visa in Australia?

The Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold for the 190 visa is AUD53,900 for applications lodged up to and on June 30, 2023, and AUD70,000 for applications lodged on and after July 1, 2023.

What visa is the 491 visa replacing in Australia?

The 491 visa is replacing the Skilled Regional (Provisional, subclass 489) visa. The 491 is considered an enhanced version of the 489 visa with a new and improved points test.

What are the benefits of the 491 visa in Australia?

The benefits of the 491 visa include the ability to stay in Australia for 5 years, live, work, and study in a designated regional area, travel to and from Australia multiple times while the visa is valid, and the opportunity to apply for permanent residence after 3 years from the time the visa is granted.

What are the advantages of the 190 visa in Australia?

The benefits of a subclass 190 visa include access to Medicare, Australia's universal health insurance scheme, the ability to study and work in Australia, and the freedom to travel to and from Australia as many times as desired within 5 years. After 5 years, a Resident Return visa (RRV) may be required.

Is education free in Australia for 491 visa holders?

If your Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491) was nominated by the ACT Government, you may be eligible to apply for an exemption from paying school fees in an ACT public school once your 491 Visa has been granted.
Ishraque Ahmad

Ishraque Ahmad

Solicitor at the Supreme Court of NSW and a Barrister and Solicitor of High Court of New Zealand. Expert in immigration law and compliance.