Luminedge Legal

The Complete Document Checklist for Subclass 485 Visa Applicants

Navigating the maze of visa applications can be a daunting task, especially when your plans for the future hinge on it. If you’re an international student in Australia eyeing that crucial 485 Visa, you’ll know that the devil is in the details. One such crucial detail is the document checklist. It’s the road map, the key, and the ticket to your dreams.

In this article, we’ll walk you through it, step by step. Whether you’ve just graduated or are about to, understanding this checklist is essential. So, let’s dive into the specifics of the 485 Visa document checklist, unravelling its significance and ensuring that your journey is as smooth as possible.

Table of Contents

Overview of Temporary Graduate Visa 485

Purpose and Streams of the Visa

The Temporary Graduate Visa 485 is a vital pathway for international students in Australia. It comes with two streams, each catering to different graduate scenarios.

  1. Graduate Work Stream: This stream is designed for international students who’ve recently graduated with skills and qualifications relevant to Australia’s specific occupation needs. It grants you temporary residence in Australia, allowing you to live, study, and work.

  2. Post-Study Work Stream: For international students who have recently graduated with a degree from an Australian institution, this stream offers the chance to temporarily live, work, and study in Australia. It’s an excellent opportunity for furthering your studies and career in the country.

Opportunities for International Students Post-Graduation

The 485 Visa opens doors to countless opportunities for international students after graduation. It allows you to gain practical experience in your chosen field, enhances your skillset, and provides a chance to make a mark in your profession. This visa paves the way for building a successful career in Australia.

The Crucial Role of the Checklist

Completing the 485 Visa application is a significant step towards your ambitions in Australia. The document checklist is your guide, ensuring you meet all the necessary requirements. It’s your ticket to an extended stay and a prosperous future in this beautiful country. This checklist is the key to a smooth application process, which is why understanding it thoroughly is of utmost importance. It ensures you have everything you need, and there are no surprises along the way. In this article, we’ll help you demystify the 485 Visa document checklist, providing you with the clarity you need to navigate the application process with confidence.

Mandatory Documents in the 485 Visa Checklist

Essential Documents Needed for the Application

When you’re applying for the Temporary Graduate Visa 485, there are several essential documents that are mandatory. Ensuring you have these documents prepared and ready is crucial for a successful application process.


Details on Each Document

  1. Passport: Your valid passport is at the top of the list. It’s your primary identification document and will be needed throughout your stay in Australia.

  2. Photographs: Passport-sized photos (45 mm x 35 mm) are essential for identification purposes.

  3. Family/Relationship Documents: If applicable, you’ll need documents to prove your family relationships. This includes marriage certificates, divorce documents, death certificates, or statutory declarations.

  4. Health Insurance: You must have health insurance in Australia. This can be proven with a signed letter from a registered insurance provider.

  5. Character Certificate: You need a certificate from the Australian Federal Police, issued within the last 12 months, to meet the character requirements.

  6. Course Completion Documents: These documents include completion letters from your educational institution, stating important details such as the course’s start and end dates, campus location, full-time or part-time study, and the language of instruction.

  7. Transcripts: Include attested copies of your course transcripts.

  8. English Proficiency Test Results: Depending on your nationality, you may need to provide results of an English proficiency test, such as IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, OET, or CAE. If you are a citizen of the USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, or New Zealand and hold a valid passport from one of these countries, you may be exempt from this requirement.

  9. Skills Assessment Documents: In the Graduate Work Stream, you’ll need documents demonstrating your skills assessment in a relevant occupation. This could be evidence of a successful skills assessment from the relevant authority or evidence of an application for this assessment.


Overseas Police Certificates and Military Service Records

If you’ve lived in any country for a total of 12 months or more in the last 10 years since turning 16, you might need to provide police certificates from each of those countries. Additionally, if you’ve served in the armed forces of any country, you should provide military service records or discharge papers.

These documents are vital for your 485 Visa application, so ensure you gather them and have them ready before starting the application process.

Do you want to stay in Australia After Studies

Eligibility Criteria for Subclass 485

To embark on your journey toward securing the Subclass 485 visa, it’s essential to understand the eligibility criteria. Meeting these requirements is crucial to ensure a successful application and transition into life after graduation in Australia.

Age Requirements

Firstly, you must be under 50 years of age at the time of application. Age plays a significant role in determining your eligibility for the Subclass 485 visa.

Visa Prerequisites

You should hold an eligible visa that permits you to apply for the Subclass 485 visa. The Department of Home Affairs provides a list of these eligible visas. Ensure you meet these prerequisites before commencing your application process.

CRICOS-Registered Course Completion

You should have successfully completed a qualification from a course registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) within the last six months. This registration ensures the quality and authenticity of your educational experience in Australia.

Stream-Specific Requirements

Depending on the stream under which you are applying, there may be additional requirements. The Department of Home Affairs can provide comprehensive details on the specific prerequisites for each stream. Familiarize yourself with these requirements to make your application process smoother.

Health and Health Cover Requirements

Meeting the mandatory health criteria set by the Australian Government is crucial. You’ll need to undergo the required medical examination to ensure you satisfy these health criteria. Additionally, you and your dependents must have valid health cover at the time of applying for the Subclass 485 visa. This health cover is generally provided through Overseas Student Health Cover, which you should already have if you were on a student visa in Australia.

Debt Status

Your debt status is another vital aspect to consider. If you have any pending loans from government agencies, it’s advisable to clear them before applying for the Subclass 485 visa. A debt-free status can positively influence your visa application.

English Language Proficiency

Proficiency in English is often required, except for citizens of specific countries such as the USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, or New Zealand who hold valid passports. For applicants from other nationalities, undertaking one of the recognized English Proficiency Tests and providing evidence of your English skills is necessary. Accepted tests include IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, OET, and CAE.

Refer to Official Department of Home Affairs Resources

While we strive to provide you with accurate and helpful information, it’s essential to remember that eligibility criteria can evolve. For the most up-to-date and precise information, always refer to the official resources provided by the Department of Home Affairs. This will ensure that your application is aligned with the latest requirements and guidelines, increasing your chances of a successful Subclass 485 visa application.

READ MORE: 485 Visa New Rules

Document Checklist For 485 Visa

How Luminedge Legal Can Assist You with Your 485 Visa Application

At Luminedge Legal, we understand that the journey to secure a Subclass 485 visa can be both exciting and challenging. With a team of experienced migration experts, we are here to simplify the process and enhance your chances of success. Here’s how we can assist you:

In-Depth Guidance: Our first and foremost role is to provide you with comprehensive guidance. We will explain the nuances of the Subclass 485 visa, its streams, eligibility criteria, and the documentation required. We’re committed to ensuring that you fully understand the process and its implications.

Personalized Eligibility Assessment: Each case is unique, and so are your circumstances. We will conduct a personalized eligibility assessment to determine the most suitable stream for your situation. Our experts will carefully evaluate your qualifications, age, and other eligibility factors to provide tailored advice.

Document Preparation: The document checklist for the Subclass 485 visa can be overwhelming. Our team will assist you in gathering and organizing the necessary documents. From passport details to English proficiency test results, we’ll ensure nothing is missed.

Visa Application Assistance: Completing the visa application correctly is vital for success. We will assist you in preparing and lodging your application. This includes ensuring that all documents are correctly attached, and your application meets the requirements set by the Department of Home Affairs.

Health Cover and Insurance Guidance: Health insurance is a mandatory requirement for the Subclass 485 visa. Our experts will guide you through the process of obtaining Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) if you don’t already have it. We can also help you find the best health insurance providers to meet your needs.

English Proficiency Support: If you need to prove your English proficiency, we will provide guidance on the accepted tests, registration, and the scores required. We can help you select the most suitable test and prepare for it effectively.

Skill Assessment Assistance: For those applying under the Graduate Work stream, a skills assessment is necessary. Our team can help you navigate this process, from selecting the relevant assessing authority to ensuring your skills meet the requirements.

Regular Updates and Communication: Throughout the application process, we will maintain open communication with you. We’ll keep you updated on the progress of your application and promptly address any concerns or queries you may have.

Compliance with Changing Regulations: Migration regulations can change. Our team stays up-to-date with the latest developments and amendments to ensure your application aligns with the current requirements.

Post-Visa Support: Our commitment doesn’t end once your Subclass 485 visa is granted. We will provide guidance on your responsibilities, such as work conditions and possible pathways to permanent residency in Australia.

Applying for a Subclass 485 visa is a significant step towards achieving your goals in Australia. At Luminedge Legal, we’re here to simplify the process, minimize stress, and maximize your chances of success. Your future in Australia is important to us, and we’re dedicated to helping you navigate the complex immigration landscape. Connect with us today, and let’s embark on this journey together. Your dreams are our priority.


In conclusion, understanding the document checklist for the Subclass 485 visa is a pivotal step in achieving your goals as an international student in Australia. This comprehensive checklist serves as a guide to ensure your application process is smooth and successful.


Securing the Subclass 485 visa offers you the opportunity to extend your stay in Australia after graduation, gain invaluable work experience, and potentially open doors to other visa options. The checklist encapsulates the essential documents, ranging from passport details to health insurance, character certificates, and English proficiency test results.


However, it’s crucial to remember that the eligibility criteria and requirements may evolve. Therefore, referring to the official resources provided by the Department of Home Affairs remains essential to ensure your application aligns with the most current guidelines.

Immigration Lawyer's Team of Luminedge Legal


Q. Are there different checklists for the Graduate Work stream and Post-Study Work stream?

No, the document checklist is generally the same for both streams. However, depending on your specific circumstances, there might be some variations in the documents required.

Q. Can I provide copies of my documents or do they need to be original?

Generally, certified copies of documents are acceptable. Ensure that copies are clear and legible, and certifications should be done by authorized individuals, like a Justice of the Peace or a notary public.

Q. What if my qualification is not on the CRICOS list?

To be eligible for the Subclass 485 visa, your qualification must be from a course registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS). If it’s not, you may need to consider other visa options.

Ishraque Ahmad

Ishraque Ahmad

Solicitor at the Supreme Court of NSW and a Barrister and Solicitor of High Court of New Zealand. Expert in immigration law and compliance.