Luminedge Legal

494 Visa to PR Pathway: Your Comprehensive Guide

Are you a skilled worker dreaming of making Australia your permanent home? The 494 Visa might be your stepping stone to Australian Permanent Residency (PR). 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll unravel the path from the 494 Visa to Permanent Residency, shedding light on what you need to know to make your dream a reality.

Table of Contents

A Short Overview of the 494 Visa

The 494 Visa, designed for skilled workers, allows you to work and live in designated regional areas of Australia. These areas are typically away from major cities like Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane. By working here, you’re not only enriching your career but also contributing to regional development.


494 Visa to Permanent Residency PR by Luminedge Legal

Conditions to GET PR From 494 Visa

Once you’ve obtained the 494 Visa, you’ll need to live and work in regional areas for three years. During this time, you can switch jobs, but remember, you have a 90-day window to find a new nominator if you change employment.

Here’s a closer look at the conditions and the path to Permanent Residency (PR):

Condition 1: Live and Work in Regional Areas for Minimum Three Years

Your journey towards PR kicks off once you’ve secured the 494 Visa. This visa allows you to live and work in designated regional areas of Australia. You must stay in these regions for minimum three years. It’s during this time that you’ll build the foundation for your permanent residency.

Condition 2: Flexibility to Change Jobs

While working in regional areas, you have the flexibility to change jobs if you wish. This freedom can be essential for your career growth. However, it comes with a condition – you must find a new nominator within 90 days if you switch jobs. 

This condition ensures that your employment remains within the regional area and maintains support for your visa.

494 Visa Pathway to PR (Permanent Residency)

Your ultimate goal is to attain Permanent Residency (PR), which provides long-term stability in Australia. The pathway to PR is through the Skilled Regional Visa (subclass 191). To qualify for this visa, you need to meet specific criteria:

Hold an Eligible Visa: You must hold an eligible visa, which includes the 494 Visa.

Three Years in a Designated Regional Area: Your three years on the 494 Visa must be spent living and working in a designated regional area of Australia. This residency period is crucial and paves the way for PR.

Meet the Income Threshold: While holding the eligible visa, your taxable income should meet or exceed a specific income threshold for three consecutive years. This requirement showcases your contribution to the regional economy.

Compliance with Visa Conditions: It’s essential to adhere to all the conditions of your eligible visa during the three-year period. This includes any work or employer-related conditions specified in your visa.

Understanding these conditions and the pathway to PR is vital to successfully transition from a 494 Visa holder to a Permanent Resident of Australia. It’s a journey that offers the promise of a stable and prosperous future in this beautiful country.

Permanent Residency (Skilled Regional) Visa (subclass 191)

Visa 191, expected to commence from 16th November 2022, will be your ticket to permanent residency. This visa category is designed for those who have diligently lived and worked in Australian designated regional areas.

Alternative Pathways to PR

What if you’ve already held a 494 Visa for more than three years? Don’t worry; there are other paths to permanent residency. Consider these alternative visa subclasses:


  • Partner Visa (subclass 820/801)
  • Business Talent (subclass 132) visa
  • Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186) visa
  • Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) (subclass 188) visa
  • Skilled (Independent) (subclass 189) visa
  • Skilled (Nominated) (subclass 190) visa
  • Global Talent (subclass 858) visa


Ensure you meet the specific requirements for each of these visa options. If you’re unsure, reach out to experts who can provide guidance.

Consultation and Assistance

If you’re navigating the 494 Visa to Permanent Residency (PR) journey, you don’t have to do it alone. Seeking expert guidance and assistance can significantly smooth your path. Here’s why it’s beneficial:


  1. Expertise Matters: Migration rules and procedures can be intricate. Immigration experts specialize in understanding these complexities. They can help you make sense of the regulations, ensuring your application is accurate and complete.


  1. Tailored Advice: Every visa situation is unique. A skilled migration consultant can assess your specific circumstances and provide advice tailored to your needs. This personalized approach maximizes your chances of success.


  1. Application Assistance: From gathering required documents to filling out forms correctly, migration experts can assist you at every step of the application process. This guidance minimizes the risk of errors that could lead to delays or rejections.


  1. Keeping You Informed: Immigration rules can change, and deadlines can approach faster than expected. Migration consultants stay updated with the latest developments, ensuring that you don’t miss crucial updates or deadlines.


  1. Support and Reassurance: The visa application process can be stressful. Knowing that you have a knowledgeable expert by your side can provide peace of mind. You’ll have someone to turn to with your questions and concerns.


  1. Increase Your Chances: Ultimately, the goal is to secure PR in Australia. Migration experts understand what immigration authorities are looking for in an application. Their guidance enhances your chances of a successful outcome.


  1. Tailoring a Path for You: Depending on your unique situation, there might be various pathways to PR beyond the 494 Visa. Migration consultants can explore these options with you, helping you choose the most suitable route.


In summary, consulting with migration experts can simplify your journey from a 494 Visa holder to a Permanent Resident of Australia. Their experience, tailored advice, and application assistance are valuable assets in achieving your goal of calling Australia your permanent home.

How Luminedge Legal Helps You Convert Your 494 Visa to PR

Navigating the intricate path from a 494 Visa to Australian Permanent Residency (PR) is a significant step, and Luminedge Legal is here to guide you every step of the way. Here’s how we assist you in making this transition seamlessly:


  1. Personalized Strategy: At Luminedge Legal, we understand that no two individuals are the same. That’s why our migration experts tailor a strategy specific to your circumstances. We take the time to understand your goals, background, and preferences to create a plan that suits you best.


  1. In-Depth Assessment: We commence by conducting a comprehensive assessment of your situation. This assessment is vital in determining the most efficient and effective path from your 494 Visa to Permanent Residency. Our team leaves no stone unturned in finding the right solution for you.


  1. Streamlined Application Process: Australian immigration procedures can be complex, but we make them straightforward for you. Our experts will guide you through each requirement, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of what’s needed. We aim to eliminate any confusion, making the process as smooth as possible.


  1. Document Preparation: One of the critical aspects of a successful application is having the right documents. Luminedge Legal will assist you in gathering and organizing all necessary paperwork. We make sure that your application is thorough and compliant with Australian immigration regulations.


  1. Deadline Management: Missing deadlines can jeopardize your PR application. With Luminedge Legal, you won’t have to worry about that. We keep track of all critical dates, ensuring that you submit your application on time, every time.


  1. Current Immigration Insights: Immigration laws can change, and new policies can be introduced. Staying updated with these developments is essential. Luminedge Legal keeps you informed about any changes that might affect your application, allowing you to make informed decisions.


  1. Continuous Support: We recognize that the visa application process can be stressful. Our team is here to provide unwavering support and address any queries or concerns you might have. We’re dedicated to ensuring you’re confident and comfortable throughout this journey.


  1. Exploring All Options: While the 494 Visa is a significant route to PR, Luminedge Legal also considers alternative pathways that might be suitable for your situation. Our goal is to provide you with a holistic strategy for achieving your dream of becoming an Australian Permanent Resident.


Luminedge Legal is your trusted partner in converting your 494 Visa to Australian Permanent Residency. Our personalized approach, commitment to simplifying the process, and continuous support ensure that your journey is as smooth and successful as possible. With Luminedge Legal by your side, you’re on the right path towards realizing your Australian PR dreams.

Immigration Lawyer's Team of Luminedge Legal


Transitioning from a 494 Visa to Permanent Residency (PR) is an achievable goal. With the right knowledge and guidance, you can make Australia your permanent home. Start planning early, meet the conditions, and explore your options to pave your way to PR in this beautiful land down under. Your dream of calling Australia home can become a reality.


Luminedge Legal: The Best Immigration Law Firm in Sydney

Tel: 02 8041 3811, 0480 294 699


When can I apply for PR on 494 visa?

To become eligible for PR via the Subclass 191 (Permanent Residence) visa, you must fulfill the subsequent conditions: Accumulate a three-year work history in a designated regional area while maintaining a 494 visa. Moreover, it's essential to showcase earnings of no less than $53,900 annually for each of these three years.
Ishraque Ahmad

Ishraque Ahmad

Solicitor at the Supreme Court of NSW and a Barrister and Solicitor of High Court of New Zealand. Expert in immigration law and compliance.