Luminedge Legal

In a significant move to attract a broader range of skilled professionals, Tasmania has announced that all occupations listed on the Department of Home Affairs subclass 190 skilled occupations list are now eligible for subclass 190 nomination under the Tasmanian Skilled Employment Pathway. This groundbreaking decision marks a pivotal shift in Tasmania’s approach to skilled migration, opening up new opportunities for individuals across various sectors to contribute to the state’s growing economy and vibrant community.

Previously, the eligibility for subclass 190 nomination was limited to certain occupations. However, with this new policy, Tasmania is embracing a more inclusive strategy. Candidates who possess a skills assessment for an occupation listed on the Tasmanian Onshore Skilled Occupation List (TOSOL) can now look forward to subclass 190 nomination after just six months of employment in a role closely related to their field. This is a significant reduction from the earlier requirement, making it more accessible for skilled workers already residing and working in Tasmania.

Furthermore, for those with skills assessments in occupations outside the TOSOL, the path to nomination has also been streamlined. These candidates are now eligible for subclass 190 nomination after 15 months of employment in a closely related role, offering a feasible route for a wide array of professionals to establish their careers and lives in Tasmania.

This policy revision is a strategic step by Tasmania to address skill shortages in various industries and to bolster the state’s workforce with diverse expertise. It reflects Tasmania’s commitment to fostering a dynamic and inclusive workforce, recognizing the valuable contributions of skilled professionals from around the world.

All Occupations Now Eligible for Subclass 190 Nomination

The subclass 190 visa is a permanent residency visa for skilled workers who are nominated by a state or territory. It allows visa holders to live and work in Australia indefinitely, offering a pathway to citizenship and the opportunity to be a part of Australia’s thriving multicultural community.

As Tasmania opens its doors wider to global talent, this move is expected to significantly benefit the state’s economy and cultural diversity. It’s an invitation to skilled individuals worldwide to consider Tasmania not just as a place to work, but as a destination to call home, rich in opportunities and community spirit.

For those looking to make a mark in their professional journey and seeking a life in one of Australia’s most picturesque and welcoming states, Tasmania’s latest policy change is a beacon of opportunity. The state’s unique combination of economic growth, natural beauty, and a supportive community makes it an attractive destination for skilled migrants aiming to build a prosperous and fulfilling life in Australia.

Seeking professional help for migration to Australia? Luminedge Legal is here to assist you

Our immigration experts at Luminedge Legal specialize in all kinds of migration applications and assistance. With a proven track record of success and a team of highly recommended migration agents, we’re dedicated to helping you reunite with your loved ones.

We’re specialists in complex visa matters, and as a registered Australian migration agent with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA), we adhere to the highest professional standards outlined in the profession’s Code of Conduct.

Take the first step toward reuniting with your family in Australia. Our team is professional, multilingual, and committed to your success.

Contact us via email at or reach us by phone at 0480 294 699. You can also schedule a consultation online, all backed by our 100% Money Back Guarantee Program. Luminedge Legal is your trusted partner in bringing families together in Australia.

Immigration Lawyer's Team of Luminedge Legal
Ishraque Ahmad

Ishraque Ahmad

Solicitor at the Supreme Court of NSW and a Barrister and Solicitor of High Court of New Zealand. Expert in immigration law and compliance.

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