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To extend your Australia visa, adhere to these steps:

  1. Check visa conditions. 
  2. Check if a waiver request is applicable.
  3. Apply for a visa condition waiver.
  4. Check the waiver decision.
  5. Apply for a new visa.

Check Visa Conditions

Upon receiving an Australia visa, specific conditions will be attached to your visa type, dictating what activities you’re allowed to engage in during your visa tenure.

For instance, holders of tourist visas (subclass 600) are typically prohibited from working and are usually granted a stay of around three months. Additionally, there’s a “no further stay condition” (8503) applied to this visa category.

The “no further stay” condition implies that visa holders subject to this criterion are unable to apply for another visa while in Australia, except for a protection visa. Hence, it’s essential to review your visa conditions before departing for Australia. You can double-check these conditions in VEVO (Visa Entitlement Verification Online) or in your visa grant letter, or here.

It’s important to note that not all visas are constrained by condition 8503.

Check If A Waiver Request Is Applicable

If your visa is subject to condition 8503, you must apply for a waiver request to lift the restriction on your continuous stay in Australia.

Condition 8503 can be waived under the following circumstances:

  • Inability to return home due to medical reasons.
  • Serious illness or death of a close friend or family member.
  • Natural disaster in your home country.
  • Political turmoil such as civil war or political unrest.
  • Your chosen school does not offer the approved study course (applicable to student visas).

However, the “no further stay” rule will not be waived in the following cases:

  • Marriage.
  • Entering into a new relationship with an Australian citizen or permanent resident.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Failing your course (relevant to study visas).

Furthermore, lack of awareness about the applicability of this condition to your visa is not sufficient grounds for a waiver.

Apply For A Visa Condition Waiver:

If you have compelling reasons to request a waiver for your 8503 visa condition, you must submit a waiver request to the Department of Home Affairs. Apply for the waiver request by completing an online waiver form.

If you’re unable to complete the online form, you can download the PDF version, print it, and fill it out. The form can be found [here](link to the form).

For both forms, you must attach the following documents (in English or translated to English):

  1. A copy of your passport bio page.
  2. Evidence supporting your need for a waiver (such as a medical report, death certificate, university record, etc.).

You must submit the waiver request at least four weeks before your current visa expires. You can check your visa expiration date on the VEVO platform, where you can also view all the conditions attached to your visa. The visa expiration date will also be specified in the written decision of your visa grant.

Check The Waiver Decision:

Once you’ve submitted a request to waive the “no further stay” condition, you’ll need to wait while the Department processes your request. If the waiver is granted, you’re then eligible to apply for another visa. However, if the waiver request is denied, you cannot apply for another visa. If your visa expires after your waiver request is denied, you’re not permitted to stay in Australia any longer.

Furthermore, there’s no option to request a review of the decision as the Department’s verdict is final. Nevertheless, if your circumstances change—for instance, if new situations arise that necessitate your continued stay in Australia—you may submit another waiver request.

It’s crucial to bear in mind that even if condition 8503 is waived, it does not guarantee approval for another visa.

Apply For A New Visa:

Once the “no further stay” condition has been waived, you’re eligible to apply for a new visa to continue your stay in Australia. It’s important to note that extending the previous visa is not permitted under Australian law. Therefore, you must initiate the application process anew for a different visa.

You have the option to apply for the same visa you previously held or choose another visa category that aligns with your current circumstances and plans.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How much is the Australian Visa Extension Fee?

When applying for a new visa, you’ll be required to pay the applicable application fees. The fee amount varies depending on the type of visa you are applying for.

What if My Visa Doesn’t Have a “No Further Stay Condition”?

If your visa doesn’t have the “no further stay” condition, you can apply for a new visa before it expires. You may receive a bridging visa A (BVA) while waiting for your new visa, but you can’t leave Australia on a BVA. For travel flexibility, apply for a bridging visa B (BVB) after obtaining the BVA.

Can I Extend My Australia Visa if My Visa Is Already Expired?

If your Australia visa has expired, you cannot extend it. Instead, you must apply for a Bridging Visa E immediately to legally stay in Australia while arranging your departure. Continuing to stay without a valid visa can lead to severe consequences, including arrest, deportation, fines, and a ban on future visas for Australia.

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