Luminedge Legal

Subsequent Entrant Visa 485: Bringing Your Family to Australia

Are you yearning to join your family in Australia? It’s not just a dream; it’s a path that many are choosing for a better future. The Subsequent Entrant Visa 485 could be your key to this journey. In the next few minutes, we’ll unravel the intricacies of this visa, providing you with a clear roadmap for a future Down Under. As an immigration lawyer, I’ve seen how the Subsequent Entrant Visa 485 has transformed lives, and it might be the solution you’ve been looking for. Let’s dive in.

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Understanding Subsequent Entrant Visa 485

The Subsequent Entrant Visa 485: a gateway to possibilities for families looking to reunite on Australian shores. In this section, we will explore the essence of this visa, its unique purpose, and the lives it touches.

What is the Subsequent Entrant Visa 485?

The Subsequent Entrant Visa 485, a remarkable immigration pathway, is designed for family members of primary visa holders. It’s your ticket to join your family member in Australia, even if you hadn’t originally planned to migrate with them. This visa is like a bridge, connecting you with your loved ones who are temporary residents in Australia.

The Unique Purpose of Subsequent Entrant Visa 485

What sets the Subsequent Entrant Visa 485 apart is its focus on keeping families together. Whether you’re the spouse or de facto partner of the main applicant or a dependent child, this visa can make the dream of reunification a reality. In a world where geographical distances often separate families, this visa offers a valuable opportunity to be with your loved ones during their Australian journey.

It’s important to note that the Subsequent Entrant Visa 485 is specific to certain visa subclasses, including the Student Visa (subclass 500), Temporary Graduate Visa (subclass 485), Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (subclass 482), and Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) Visa (subclass 494). Each of these pathways allows family members to come together, reinforcing the significance of family bonds in the immigration process.

In the next sections, we’ll delve deeper into the requirements and details of this visa, breaking down what it takes to secure your spot on this remarkable journey.

Subclass 485 Subsequent Entrant Visa Requirements

So, you’ve decided to join your family member who’s pursuing their dreams in Australia. Here’s what you need to know about the requirements for the Subclass 485 Subsequent Entrant Visa.

The Application Process

Applying for the Subclass 485 Subsequent Entrant Visa is a straightforward process. There are no specific, complex criteria you must meet, making it accessible and achievable for eligible family members. One of the notable advantages of this visa is that you can apply from either inside or outside Australia.

No Time Limit for Grant

Even if your family member’s Subclass 485 Visa has already been granted, don’t worry. You can still be granted the Subsequent Entrant Visa 485. This flexibility ensures that families can come together at any point during their loved one’s journey in Australia.

These requirements, or the lack thereof, emphasize the Australian government’s commitment to keeping families united, offering a chance to be with your family when it matters most. In the following sections, we’ll explore specific requirements for each visa subclass, so you can move ahead with confidence, knowing you’re on the right path to reuniting with your loved ones in the Land Down Under.

Subsequent Entrant Visa 485

Eligibility for Subsequent Entrants 485 Visa

To make your dream of reuniting with your family in Australia a reality, you need to understand the eligibility criteria for Subsequent Entrants applying for a 485 Visa. It’s all about family and relationships.

Family Ties

First and foremost, you must be a family member of the primary visa holder. This typically includes being the spouse or de facto partner of the main applicant. Additionally, if you’re a dependent child of the main applicant’s spouse or de facto partner, you may also be eligible for this visa. However, children must be below 18 years old to qualify.

Relationships Matter

Your relationship with the primary applicant plays a pivotal role. If you’re legally married or in a de facto relationship, you’re in the right category. Being a child of the primary applicant also qualifies you. These criteria underscore the significance of family bonds in the Australian immigration process.

Standard Visa Application Requirements

Meeting the standard visa application requirements is a fundamental step. Like other Australian visa applicants, you must undergo health and character checks. This includes providing a police clearance certificate and demonstrating English language proficiency. Common English language tests like IELTS or TOEFL are accepted. You may also need to furnish other documents as requested by the department during the visa application process.

These criteria and requirements not only ensure a smooth application process but also reflect Australia’s commitment to uniting families. You’re on your way to reuniting with your loved ones in one of the world’s most beautiful countries.

READ MORE: 485 Visa New Rules

Documentation and Proof of Relationship for Visa 485

Proving your relationship with the primary applicant is a crucial step in securing a Subsequent Entrant Visa 485. Here’s how you can ensure your application sails smoothly:

Financial Support

Financial support for the primary applicant is a significant aspect. You might need to provide documents such as bank statements or a letter from the main applicant confirming financial support. These documents help establish the interdependence and commitment in your relationship.

Married vs. De Facto Relationships

The requirements for proving a married relationship can be quite straightforward. Marriage certificates and documents showing joint financial commitments can be strong evidence.

In a de facto relationship, you’ll need to provide documents demonstrating cohabitation and shared responsibilities. This could include joint bank statements, tax returns, lease agreements, utility bills, or any other relevant documents indicating that you both share your lives as a couple.

Remember, the specifics of your relationship might require additional documentation. Flexibility and a proactive approach can greatly assist in this process.

By providing substantial evidence of your relationship, you’re not only strengthening your visa application but also affirming the importance of your connection with your loved one in Australia.

Processing Time for Subclass 485 Spouse and Dependent Visas

When it comes to reuniting families in Australia through the Subclass 485 Subsequent Entrant Visa, understanding the processing times is crucial. Currently, the processing time for the Subclass 485 Dependent Visa is approximately 11 months, and it’s important to note that this period is when 90% of applications are typically processed.

However, it’s essential to recognize that individual circumstances can vary. Your application’s processing time may extend beyond this estimated period if you submit an incomplete application or fail to provide all the necessary information. Additionally, the complexity of your application can also affect the processing time. Each case is unique, and various factors can influence the speed of processing.

For the most up-to-date information on processing times or if you have specific questions regarding your application, we recommend getting in touch with our experienced team at 0480 294 699. We’re here to provide you with accurate information and guide you through the process, ensuring your family reunites in Australia as smoothly as possible.


In conclusion, the Subsequent Entrant Visa 485 opens a door of opportunity for family members to reunite with their loved ones in Australia. This unique visa category allows spouses, children, and other dependents of primary visa holders to join them, even if they initially had no plans of migrating.

This visa, designed to foster family unity, is not just a legal process; it’s a testament to the significance of family bonds. It paves the way for families to thrive together, creating opportunities, memories, and shared experiences.

While each case is unique, the common thread is the desire to be close to family members who are pursuing their dreams in Australia. The Subsequent Entrant Visa 485 makes this possible, reinforcing the value of keeping families together even across international borders.

Seeking professional help to bring your family to Australia? Luminedge Legal is here to assist you.

Our immigration experts at Luminedge Legal specialize in subsequent entrant visa applications. With a proven track record of success and a team of highly recommended migration agents, we’re dedicated to helping you reunite with your loved ones.

We’re specialists in complex visa matters, and as a registered Australian migration agent with the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA), we adhere to the highest professional standards outlined by the profession’s Code of Conduct.

Take the first step towards reuniting with your family in Australia. Our team is professional, multilingual, and committed to your success.

Contact us via email at or reach us by phone at 02 8041 3811 or 0480 294 699. You can also schedule a consultation online, all backed by our 100% Money Back Guarantee Program. Luminedge Legal is your trusted partner in bringing families together in Australia.

Immigration Lawyer's Team of Luminedge Legal


Q. Who can apply for the Subsequent Entrant Visa 485?

A. Spouses or de facto partners and dependent children of the main visa holder can apply. You must be declared as a family member in the primary applicant’s visa application.


Q. Are there specific requirements for the Subsequent Entrant Visa 485?

A. There are no specific criteria for this visa, and applicants can be inside or outside Australia. It can still be granted even after the primary applicant’s Visa 485 is granted.


Q. What if I wasn’t planning to migrate with my family initially?

A. Even if you didn’t plan to migrate with your family, they must declare you as a family member in their application for you to apply for this visa.


Q. How much does the Subsequent Entrant Visa 485 cost?

The cost for the Subsequent Entrant Visa 485 can vary depending on several factors. For the primary applicant, the base application charge is A$1680. If there are additional applicants who are 18 years or older, the charge for each of them is A$840. However, if there are any applicants under 18, the fee for them is A$425.

Let’s break this down with an example: If a primary applicant is applying for the Subsequent Entrant Visa 485 and has two family members, one aged 25 and another aged 16, the total cost would be A$1680 (primary applicant) + A$840 (applicant aged 25) + A$425 (applicant aged 16) = A$2945.

It’s essential to keep in mind that these fees are subject to change, and the most accurate and up-to-date information can be found on the official Department of Home Affairs website.

Ishraque Ahmad

Ishraque Ahmad

Solicitor at the Supreme Court of NSW and a Barrister and Solicitor of High Court of New Zealand. Expert in immigration law and compliance.