Luminedge Legal



Understanding the Reasons and Consequences of Visa Cancellations. Navigating the Challenges of Visa Cancellations with Luminedge Legal

Visa cancellations can be a stressful and complicated process. If you find yourself in a situation where your visa has been cancelled, it’s important to understand the reasons why and what your options are.

At Luminedge Legal, our team of experienced immigration lawyers can help you navigate this challenging time and find the best solution for your unique situation.

Reasons for Visa Cancellation

Visa cancellations can occur for a variety of reasons, including:

Section 501 Visa Cancellation
Section 116 Visa Cancellation
Immigration Detention

Section 501 Visa Cancellation

Section 501 Visa Cancellation refers to the cancellation of a visa under Section 501 of the Migration Act 1958 of Australia. This section allows the government to cancel a visa if the holder has failed a character test, as defined by the Migration Act.

One can appeal a Section 501 visa cancellation in Australia. The process for appealing a visa cancellation under Section 501 depends on the individual circumstances of each case, but generally involves a review of the decision by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).

Section 116 Visa Cancellation

Section 116 Visa Cancellation refers to the cancellation of a visa under Section 116 of the Migration Act 1958 of Australia. This section allows the government to cancel a visa if a person is deemed to be a threat to national security or if their presence in Australia is not in the national interest.

A Section 116 visa cancellation can be challenged through the appeal process. The steps for appealing the decision will be outlined in the notification of cancellation you receive from the Department of Home Affairs. To ensure the best outcome, it’s advisable to consult a lawyer regarding your appeal options. Our experienced migration lawyers can help assess the grounds for your appeal and provide assistance throughout the appeals process.

Immigration Detention

Immigration detention refers to detention facilities run by the Aussie government, used to detain people who don’t have a current visa in Australia. A bloke can find themselves in immigration detention if they’re here illegally, ’cause they don’t have a valid visa. There’s a few immigration and refugee detention facilities both within and outside of Australia.

Visa cancellations can be a difficult and emotional process, but it's important to stay strong, keep moving forward, and never give up hope.

ISHRAQUE AHMED - Principal Solicitor of Luminedge Legal - Picture with transparent background

What are the reasons for visa cancellation?

There are several reasons why a visa can be cancelled, including:

  1. Non-compliance with visa conditions: This occurs when a person does not follow the conditions of their visa, such as working more hours than allowed or failing to attend required appointments.

  2. Criminal convictions: A person’s visa can be cancelled if they have been convicted of a crime that is considered a threat to national security or public safety.

  3. National security concerns: A person’s visa can be cancelled if they are considered a threat to national security, such as having ties to terrorist organizations or being involved in illegal activities.

  4. Providing false or misleading information: A person’s visa can be cancelled if they provide false or misleading information on their visa application, such as falsifying documents or making false statements.

  5. Health issues: A person’s visa can be cancelled if they have a medical condition that is considered a threat to public health, such as a contagious disease.

  6. Overstaying: A person’s visa can be cancelled if they stay in a country beyond the validity of their visa.

It’s important to understand that visa cancellations can occur at any time during the validity of the visa and can have serious consequences, so it’s essential to always stay compliant with the conditions of your visa and seek legal assistance if necessary.

How do I appeal a visa cancellation?

The process for appealing a visa cancellation varies depending on the country and the specific circumstances of each case, but generally involves a review of the decision by an administrative or judicial body.

In order to appeal a visa cancellation, you must first receive written notification of the cancellation from the relevant immigration authority. You then have a limited time frame, typically a few weeks, to file an appeal. The appeal may be filed with an administrative body, such as an immigration tribunal, or a court.

During the appeal process, you will have the opportunity to present evidence and arguments to support your case. You may also have the opportunity to cross-examine witnesses and respond to evidence presented by the other side.

It’s important to note that the appeal process can be complex and time-consuming, and the outcome is not guaranteed. It’s also important to seek legal assistance from a professional immigration lawyer, as they can provide guidance and support throughout the appeal process. They can help you understand your rights, navigate the legal system, and build a strong case to support your appeal.

Lawyer Simran holding placard with Visa Cancellation

Need visa cancellation Help?

If you are interested in our visa cancellation services, please contact us to schedule a consultation. Our team of experienced immigration lawyers is here to help you achieve your goals.